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Let's Walk & Talk

Summer is fast approaching and "Walk & Talk" therapy is the next best thing.

Do you feel better when you are in the outdoors? I know for me, being out in the open always energises me, physically and mentally. I am lucky to have grown up with the beach and woodland just on my doorstep. Spending time in the open, I feel better, think more clearly and feel more confident in decision making.

Have you ever imagined how different things would be if therapy took place outdoors? Do the four walls restrict your ability to truly get the most out of the therapy session? Well, I now offer an alternative to the traditional style of therapy. "Walk & Talk" therapy. Taking a breath of fresh air and walking at a relaxing pace opens your mind and encourages the exploration of thoughts. Therapy takes almost an informal and natural approach.

Instead of traditional face to face therapy, which can come across as daunting and may increase anxiety levels. In Walk & Talk, clients feel more comfortable walking side by side with the therapist, both looking ahead, both on the same journey. Although this method of therapy is still relatively new. "Walk & Talk" therapy enhances your ability to practice mindfulness and allows you to be in the present moment, to focus on your surroundings, the rustling of the leaves and the lapping of water. The benefits of "Walk & Talk" can be argued as being more therapeutic than indoor therapy. Clients who have "Walked & Talked" describe how benefits are shown in stress reduction, overcoming grief, depression and anxiety and improved problem-solving.

Here in North Wales, we are blessed with breath-taking coastlines and enchanting forests. The lush green lands of Snowdonia and the humbling Anglesey coasts is a retreat for the mind, body and soul. The environment itself is part of the therapeutic process and instrumental in improving your emotional wellbeing.

learn more about "Walk & Talk" therapy by contacting me on or 07738623794.

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